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AI in Business: Is Your Company Falling Behind?

It’s wild to think that the days when AI was just some futuristic, out-of-reach idea are long gone! It feels like we’ve stepped right into the heart of a boom in AI in business, but really, this tech has been quietly working its way into our lives for years. Now, it’s not just the big-name companies getting in on the action—startups are totally harnessing AI to kickstart their growth too.

From boosting efficiency to leveling up sales, serving customers better, and even slashing costs, businesses are finding all sorts of ways to let AI do its magic. It’s become so much more than just a tool—AI is now a must-have asset, pushing companies of all sizes toward success.

Curious about how AI can make a difference for you? Don’t miss out on this article. You might just find yourself at the front of the AI revolution!

How many businesses use AI?

It might seem like AI in business has only taken off in the last few years, but actually, artificial intelligence has been around in business for quite a while now. According to surveys by McKinsey & Company, back in 2017, only about 20% of companies were using AI in their operations. Fast forward to today, and a whopping 72% of businesses have integrated AI-powered tools into their daily processes.

Graphic showing Adoption of AI (%) and Use of Generative AI (%).
Source: McKinsey & Company.

Year by year, since the last decade, AI has been making steady progress. But have you noticed how AI has become a hot topic lately in tech and business? Seems like every other day there’s a new headline about some mind-blowing AI breakthrough, and the tech giants—Google, X, Microsoft, Meta—are all racing to see who can develop the most advanced AI out there.

Well, this surge in AI hype? You can thank generative AI for that.

Generative AI

The terms “AI” and “Generative AI” are definitely related, but they’re not quite the same thing. AI, or Artificial Intelligence, is a broad area of computer science focused on creating systems that can do tasks usually associated with human intelligence—things like problem-solving, learning, understanding language, and recognizing patterns.

Generative AI, though, is a more specific part of AI. It’s all about systems designed to create new content, whether that’s text, images, music, or even more, based on patterns they’ve learned from existing data. Some well-known examples are GPT models, DALL-E for making images, and AI systems that can compose music.

So, while all Generative AI falls under the AI umbrella, not all AI is Generative AI. It’s just one cool branch of the bigger AI tree!

AI in Business on the Rise

More and more businesses are turning to AI as a key support system for their operations, sales, and marketing. According to a Forbes Advisor survey, “Businesses are using AI across a wide range of areas.”

The most popular AI tools companies are using right now are focused on customer service. In fact, the survey shows that 56% of businesses use AI to boost their customer service efforts. Next comes cybersecurity and fraud management, adopted by 51% of businesses, followed by digital personal assistants, which are used by 47%.

Chart showing Top AI Use Cases For Business Owners in 2024.
Source: Forbes Advisor.

Improving the customer experience

Businesses are recognizing the growing significance of AI in shaping the overall customer experience. Of course, it depends on the type of business, but AI is playing an incredibly important role in customer service tools.

AI-powered chatbots, in particular, have improved a lot. Gone are the days of bots with clunky, awkward responses. Now, well-implemented AI chatbots not only handle customer inquiries in an efficient and human-like way, but they can also prequalify leads accurately and gather valuable information for sales teams.

Plus, these chatbots can integrate with CRM systems to automatically update customer data, streamlining internal processes and enhancing the overall user experience. AI-powered chatbots don’t just improve customer service—they also boost operational efficiency and help drive business growth.

According to the Forbes Advisor survey, 73% of businesses surveyed are either using or planning to use AI-powered chatbots, and 61% are using AI to optimize their email marketing campaigns.

Chart showing How AI Boosts the Customer Experience in 2024.
Source: Forbes Advisor.

Boosting business processes

The reality is becoming clear: AI is transforming the way businesses run, and more companies are jumping on board. AI adoption is rising fast, especially when it comes to improving business processes. Companies are realizing that AI can drive efficiency and spark innovation, making it a crucial part of staying competitive in today’s market.

Forbes Advisor reports that a growing number of businesses are either already using AI or planning to do so in key management areas. For instance, 53% of companies are using AI to streamline their production processes, helping them work faster and more accurately. 

Meanwhile, 51% have integrated AI to automate routine tasks, cutting down on manual work and boosting productivity. And when it comes to boosting their online presence, 52% are leveraging AI for SEO, aiming to show up higher in search results and strengthen their digital footprint.

AI is touching all kinds of business functions, from improving customer service to optimizing everyday operations. With these trends on the rise, businesses that invest in AI-powered solutions are setting themselves up to stay ahead of the curve, reaping the benefits of improved accuracy, speed, and a stronger presence in an increasingly digital world.

Chart showing AI-Driven Improvements for Internal Business Processes in 2024.
Source: Forbes Advisor.

Positive Impact on Business and Efficiency

The future of AI in business has never looked brighter! More companies are eager to embrace AI, and it’s easy to see why. According to Forbes, most business owners believe AI will be a game-changer for their companies. 

And they’re right—AI isn’t just a cool tech trend; it’s boosting efficiency in big ways. According to HubSpot, as of 2024, AI is saving employees an average of 2.5 hours each day. That’s a huge time-saver!

It’s also saving businesses money. In fact, 28% of business leaders are already using AI to cut costs. 

Plus, some may believe that AI will reduce jobs by replacing skilled individuals in everyday tasks. However, everything points to AI being integrated into human work, not excluding it. A solid 66% of business owners and executives have already hired someone or partnered with agencies to incorporate AI into their operations or maximize their existing AI systems.

The Future of AI in Business

In a world where AI is no longer a distant concept but a driving force in business, the future feels limitless. We’ve seen AI move from a behind-the-scenes tool to a front-and-center player in how companies operate, grow, and innovate. From streamlining processes to improving customer experiences, AI is more than just a trend—it’s shaping the business landscape in new ways.

As we look ahead, one thing is clear: businesses that embrace AI will be the ones to lead the pack. Whether it’s through generative AI creating new content or AI systems optimizing operations, the potential for growth is huge. And the best part? AI in business is just getting started. 

The future is AI—so why not be part of it? If you’re ready to integrate AI into your business and want some help, let’s talk. Book a call today!

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